Monday, May 4, 2020


Coronavirus Briefing: What Happened Today - The New York Times


It is an interesting time in our history, to say the least. I often converse with family members and realize - "Wow, we are literally a part of history. This will be in textbooks and we will tell our grandchildren that our world pretty much shut down due to this virus. They won't believe it, but it's true."

It often does not feel real. It is almost as if I am watching a movie. Luckily my family has been healthy, but many families have not been as lucky. Thousands of people are dying every single day. It is absolutely devastating. It makes me cry.

It is early May and many states are beginning to reopen. It is looking promising that North Carolina is heading in that direction. Is this the smartest move? We will see.

A CDC update, gained from the Federal Emergency Management Association, has predicted that the number of COVID-19 daily deaths will increase. The article states this resource mentioned there could be up to 3000 coronaviruses daily deaths by June 1.

So the question is, "Then why are states even CONSIDERING reopening?"

However, this article goes into detail that the Trump administration has dismissed this report stating that it is not a White House Document. This completely raises a red flag of credibility regarding numbers and sources in general.

This is just a small example of the confusion that is arising. Are the numbers even correct? Why is the White House dismissing this report? Is one party lying?

America is already scared, anxious and worried, so for there to be an inconsistency in reporting, makes it much worse. With this kind of behavior, how do we know if the numbers are real? Are the numbers too high? Are the numbers too low? What do we even believe?

It is a scary time in our country and for this article to mention that two reliable parties are differing with reports, makes me think of only one thing...

"What even is the truth anymore?"

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