Monday, May 4, 2020


April 25 coronavirus news - CNN


With the coronavirus impacting not just our nation, but the entire world, many people have quarantined themselves in their homes. Whether it is a personal preference or whether there is a "stay at home" order, many individuals find themselves sitting around their houses more than ever before.

With this, a plethora of people have turned to their cell phones. Whether it's FaceTiming or texting friends, or checking Facebook and Snapchat, people are using their phones at an all time high.

The article discusses that social media platforms have become an outlet for people to converse about the Coronavirus outbreak. Many important conversations are being held over social media regarding COVID-19, but with that, comes misinformation.

Several health experts have become extremely engaged on social media during this time, informing the public on data and statistics that have been found.

People in the community using social media are able to help their vulnerable neighbors, city and communities. Many people are going to Facebook posting statuses such as, "I need TP (toilet paper) and Clorox wipes." It has allowed communities to unite as one and help their neighbor.

A negative regarding the situation, is that there is plenty of misinformation floating in the social media world. People will believe anything they read and will not often check their sources. So that is a definite concern.

The article mentions that "humans take cue from other humans" relating to the fact that social media is changing the way people view the Coronavirus outbreak. People are anxious, scared and worried. Social media plays a large part in this.

People are paying more attention. Social media can be incredibly toxic, negative environment if not careful. But, it can also be the source of help for a vulnerable neighbor during this time or figuring out what is happening with the Coronavirus in your state/city/zip code. It is all about how you choose to use it.

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