Monday, May 4, 2020

Final Post

Is generation Z glued to technology? 'It's not an addiction; it's ...

Society and technology are in an intimate relationship. In fact, they are soul mates. But sometimes relationships are not healthy and I do not think this a healthy relationship.

I found an incredible article regarding my generation (Generation Z) and new technology's effect on culture.

The most astounding and eye opening sentence in the article was, "Generation Z addresses new technology as an extension of themselves rather than an addition."

Talk about calling me out! This hit home. My family has commented on how often I am on my iPhone, MacBook, social media, etc. I always tell them that is a part of my life... but is it?

Since a lot of these pieces of technology have been around for a good part of our life (Generation Z), we associate it with our lifestyle and way of living. We truly do not know another way of life. It is has just been like this. It is all that what we know, unlike our parents.

My relationship with technology is totally unhealthy. There is a way to check your "screen time" on your iPhone, which allows you to see how long each day your iPhone screen is on (meaning that you are using it). Mine currently says six hours a day... that is utterly ridiculous. I am using my phone six hours a day?! It is consuming my life. Technology is taking up way too much time in my life. I would literally rather sit inside on my phone or watch Netflix, than go outside for a nice walk.

One positive of this current quarantine is that it has allowed me to appreciate nature and the outside more. I go on daily walks now.

I feel like technology is not giving me reliable information. With the way it works now, you can never believe anything you read. So I try to continuously research information before I confirm it in my head. You truly never know! This is actually something that I am getting better at.

I often worry about technology negatively impacting my health. I sleep with my phone beside my bed. Imagine all of the radiation going to my head. I think about this often, but I need an alarm to wake up. People don't realize, including myself, how detrimental that can be for our bodies. It is scary. Not only do phones have its physical dangers, but it can be emotionally draining. The last thing I do in the day is check my phone. The first thing I do in the day is check my phone. This is NOT a good habit. It's much better for our eyes to read if you want to wind down before bed, instead of scrolling throughout social media.

Technology however has great opportunities. Like watching a movie with a loved one or connecting with a friend you haven't seen since high school on Facebook. It's all about how you use it and your intentions.

Technology can be used in positive ways and I am going to challenge myself to limit my use if at all possible. Of course, being inside currently does not help. So it's time for me to step outside, take in the sun and grasp our wonderful creation created by God, not technology made by man.

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Final Post

SOCIETY AND TECHNOLOGY: A CURRENT UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP Society and technology are in an intimate relationship. In fact, they are soul m...