Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Netflix Co-Founder Marc Randolph Joins HPU as Entrepreneur in ...


The value of free expression that speaks to me the most is "Promote Innovation."

This value states that it is, "a community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely
to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in
many diverse and interesting ways."

This ideal especially hits home being a student at High Point University. Our school heavily
focuses on innovation. We not only are a life-skills university but are a hands-on school.
I can definitely preach that being a part of the school of communication. I have had many
experiences working with cameras, editing software, reporting on HPUNews, etc. Things a lot
of students will not get to do until their senior year.

With being a hands-on university, this allows the ideal of innovation to come along. When
students can get their hands dirty, that is when the exciting things start to happen. It is when
innovation can be present. 

The value of innovation directly correlates to Cottrell Hall. This building houses our student
success coaches, a Starbucks, an airplane model to remind us to “never miss an opportunity
to network,” and a mock-interview room.

There are also many study spaces that incorporate a creative and collaborative work
environment. One of my favorite places is the Entrepreneurship Center.

The Entrepreneurship Center has white board walls and tables for students to create and
bounce ideas off of one another. Not only does HPU offer entrepreneurship as a major and
minor, but it is also a club organization.

HPU brings in individuals like Marc Randolph and Steve Wozniak, who are founders of Netflix
and Apple, respectively. They will come to campus and connect with students. Students can
share ideas while the highly respected individuals share their expertise.

This, to me, is one of the main selling points of High Point University. I love my school and am
very happy that I chose to come here. So the value of, "promote innovation," speaks volumes
to me because it is a characteristic that HPU practices.

I am very thankful to attend a university that heavily focuses on the image of innovation.
Especially with the incredible advancement of technology, it is a very exciting time to be
a student at High Point University. 

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