Monday, May 4, 2020

Final Post

Is generation Z glued to technology? 'It's not an addiction; it's ...

Society and technology are in an intimate relationship. In fact, they are soul mates. But sometimes relationships are not healthy and I do not think this a healthy relationship.

I found an incredible article regarding my generation (Generation Z) and new technology's effect on culture.

The most astounding and eye opening sentence in the article was, "Generation Z addresses new technology as an extension of themselves rather than an addition."

Talk about calling me out! This hit home. My family has commented on how often I am on my iPhone, MacBook, social media, etc. I always tell them that is a part of my life... but is it?

Since a lot of these pieces of technology have been around for a good part of our life (Generation Z), we associate it with our lifestyle and way of living. We truly do not know another way of life. It is has just been like this. It is all that what we know, unlike our parents.

My relationship with technology is totally unhealthy. There is a way to check your "screen time" on your iPhone, which allows you to see how long each day your iPhone screen is on (meaning that you are using it). Mine currently says six hours a day... that is utterly ridiculous. I am using my phone six hours a day?! It is consuming my life. Technology is taking up way too much time in my life. I would literally rather sit inside on my phone or watch Netflix, than go outside for a nice walk.

One positive of this current quarantine is that it has allowed me to appreciate nature and the outside more. I go on daily walks now.

I feel like technology is not giving me reliable information. With the way it works now, you can never believe anything you read. So I try to continuously research information before I confirm it in my head. You truly never know! This is actually something that I am getting better at.

I often worry about technology negatively impacting my health. I sleep with my phone beside my bed. Imagine all of the radiation going to my head. I think about this often, but I need an alarm to wake up. People don't realize, including myself, how detrimental that can be for our bodies. It is scary. Not only do phones have its physical dangers, but it can be emotionally draining. The last thing I do in the day is check my phone. The first thing I do in the day is check my phone. This is NOT a good habit. It's much better for our eyes to read if you want to wind down before bed, instead of scrolling throughout social media.

Technology however has great opportunities. Like watching a movie with a loved one or connecting with a friend you haven't seen since high school on Facebook. It's all about how you use it and your intentions.

Technology can be used in positive ways and I am going to challenge myself to limit my use if at all possible. Of course, being inside currently does not help. So it's time for me to step outside, take in the sun and grasp our wonderful creation created by God, not technology made by man.


Misinformation' is's word of the year - Poynter

Fake news, fake news, fake news... it is something we continue to hear!

But what exactly is fake news? Is it completely, deliberate inaccurate information or is it misinterpreted information? I had the opportunity to take a deeper look into misinformation in our world.

Misinformation is incorrect and false information, which often times can be an honest mistake.

There was a very interesting article regarding the kinds of people that are behind the concept of, "misinformation."

The majority of misinformation is related to a negative connotation. The article I read discusses scamming as an example. A lot of these scammers are trying to somehow make money. The article talks about a "coronavirus cure review" to take and that "You are entitled to a tax refund."

NO! Don't click it. Don't do it. Don't fill it out.

Things like this could potentially allow people to access information, cause viruses, etc. This is leaning towards disinformation on the spectrum.

On a lighter note, President Trump made a claim regarding the idea that injecting bleach helps with the coronavirus. While his claims were thought to be sarcastic, many people took this literally and were calling cleaning supply companies to inquire about this idea.

Not quite a positive note, but a more interesting take, are conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories, such as Elvis Presley still being alive or Bush's involvement with 9/11 have circulated for years and years. While this could be classified as misinformation, it at least makes one think... "Hmm, could this be possible? Let's try to break it down." I find it extremely interesting.

The example with President Trump showcases how it can affect a society as a whole. There were many extremes in this situation. There were some people who took his verbiage as sarcasm, but some people took it literally. So this shows that society can take it at two completely different levels, in this particular situation and in a plethora of situations.

It definitely affects different groups differently. Rich individuals have the ability to fact check and have the resources to check things. However individuals who are poor, might only can believe "word of mouth" information and do not have the resources to look things up.

This can also be associated with younger and older individuals as well. An older generation might not understand how technology works, therefore they might believe most of what they hear as they have no ability to check the information. While the younger generation is more knowledgable of technology, they can truly research those pieces of information.

It affects my family 100%. I tend to be politically right down the middle actually. However, my parents are somewhat conservative, but have been a bit more open-minded as of late. I urge them to not settle for complacency and really research information. It sometimes seems as though they would believe anything someone on the "right" side would say, without even looking it up. So I continue to challenge them to fact check and look at a variety of sources, not ONLY Fox News. It is important to look at a plethora of media outlets when receiving information.

Misinformation is extremely relevant in today's society and it is our duty as Americans to further research the information we gather so that we truly know what is going on and that it is accurate.


Coronavirus Briefing: What Happened Today - The New York Times


It is an interesting time in our history, to say the least. I often converse with family members and realize - "Wow, we are literally a part of history. This will be in textbooks and we will tell our grandchildren that our world pretty much shut down due to this virus. They won't believe it, but it's true."

It often does not feel real. It is almost as if I am watching a movie. Luckily my family has been healthy, but many families have not been as lucky. Thousands of people are dying every single day. It is absolutely devastating. It makes me cry.

It is early May and many states are beginning to reopen. It is looking promising that North Carolina is heading in that direction. Is this the smartest move? We will see.

A CDC update, gained from the Federal Emergency Management Association, has predicted that the number of COVID-19 daily deaths will increase. The article states this resource mentioned there could be up to 3000 coronaviruses daily deaths by June 1.

So the question is, "Then why are states even CONSIDERING reopening?"

However, this article goes into detail that the Trump administration has dismissed this report stating that it is not a White House Document. This completely raises a red flag of credibility regarding numbers and sources in general.

This is just a small example of the confusion that is arising. Are the numbers even correct? Why is the White House dismissing this report? Is one party lying?

America is already scared, anxious and worried, so for there to be an inconsistency in reporting, makes it much worse. With this kind of behavior, how do we know if the numbers are real? Are the numbers too high? Are the numbers too low? What do we even believe?

It is a scary time in our country and for this article to mention that two reliable parties are differing with reports, makes me think of only one thing...

"What even is the truth anymore?"


April 25 coronavirus news - CNN


With the coronavirus impacting not just our nation, but the entire world, many people have quarantined themselves in their homes. Whether it is a personal preference or whether there is a "stay at home" order, many individuals find themselves sitting around their houses more than ever before.

With this, a plethora of people have turned to their cell phones. Whether it's FaceTiming or texting friends, or checking Facebook and Snapchat, people are using their phones at an all time high.

The article discusses that social media platforms have become an outlet for people to converse about the Coronavirus outbreak. Many important conversations are being held over social media regarding COVID-19, but with that, comes misinformation.

Several health experts have become extremely engaged on social media during this time, informing the public on data and statistics that have been found.

People in the community using social media are able to help their vulnerable neighbors, city and communities. Many people are going to Facebook posting statuses such as, "I need TP (toilet paper) and Clorox wipes." It has allowed communities to unite as one and help their neighbor.

A negative regarding the situation, is that there is plenty of misinformation floating in the social media world. People will believe anything they read and will not often check their sources. So that is a definite concern.

The article mentions that "humans take cue from other humans" relating to the fact that social media is changing the way people view the Coronavirus outbreak. People are anxious, scared and worried. Social media plays a large part in this.

People are paying more attention. Social media can be incredibly toxic, negative environment if not careful. But, it can also be the source of help for a vulnerable neighbor during this time or figuring out what is happening with the Coronavirus in your state/city/zip code. It is all about how you choose to use it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


5 Ways Social Media Harms Your Mental Health | Mahevash Muses

Wow. The articles that I read regarding Internet privacy were extremely eye-opening.

I feel like I have a decent sized online footprint. I have Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube that I actively engage with every single day. However I do not have a personal website. That is actually something that I need to put on my to-do list.

On Instagram and Facebook, I share the highlights of my life. I might take a picture with a friend, a picture of my cappuccino or simply just an update about my life. I do often post on social media.

A visitor could find out my location, where I live, my job, where I attend school, the clubs/organizations that I am a part of.

I have given out my number and e-mail address to every single social media site that I use. Simply because it is one of the "steps" when making your account. The sites claim that it is a "safer" route and allows for there to be some kind of back-up to information. Reflecting on it now, it is kind of stupid.

I think social media can be amazing. I also think social media can be very toxic. In order to healthily use social media, you need to only follow or connect with accounts that you actually like. You want to enjoy the content that you are seeing. If seeing someone's posts or pictures makes you upset, jealous, or unhappy you need to immediately unfollow/unfriend them. This is where the user makes the decision to use social media in a positive or negative way.

I think social media can make people depressed and isolated. People think that everyone's social media is an accurate reflection of their life. Spoiler alert: it's not. It is only the "highlights" of everyone's life. So you might think that Sally has an incredible, fun life but actually she is very unhappy.

It was one of my New Year's resolutions to make my Instagram less about ME and more about MY LIFE. So I post pictures of what I am doing, the people I am with, the things I am experiencing, etc. Simply not a picture of me. I also have unfollowed or unfriended accounts that I do not enjoy seeing.

It has been a cleansing process for me and now I love social media and do not really feel saddened at all.


Study shows four different types of Facebook users

I recently looked up the Diffusion of Innovations on Wikipedia. This idea was developed by Everett Rogers. It states that diffusion is the process where innovation is communicated through people in a system.

When thinking about recent popular social media platforms, I immediately thought about Facebook.

Facebook first started out as a networking site for college students in the mid 2000s. It instantly became popular. It spread because it was one of the first, what we now call "social media" platforms to be discovered. It was somewhat of a brand new ideal. It was very exciting to be able to see what your friends were doing and that they could share it on a large platform, instead of just a small text. Better yet, you could react to it!

The downside for Facebook was time. This led to some consequences with its demographic. Originally, it instantly gained popularity and all of a sudden, it was not just with the college kids. Older adults began to use Facebook, which turned away the younger audience. What kid wants their parents to be all over their social media? Now you cannot have a picture with an alcoholic beverage in your hand and your parents question your intentions and location.

So Facebook became popular, which then allowed other social media platforms to develop, like Instagram. So the younger generation made Facebook popular and so popular, that the result was adults wanting to join too. The result of this was the younger generation moving to Instagram.

Facebook is still extremely popular, but over time their demographic has changed. At the start it served as a networking site for college students. Now Facebook's demographic are adults 40+.

This serves to be very true in my life. I, unlike my peers, am actually very engaged on Facebook. But the majority of the content that I see is from my friend's parents OR my parent's friends. Older adults love Facebook I think because it almost serves a daily high school reunion.

So it is very interesting to see that over time, Facebook's demographic has made an extreme change.


Netflix Co-Founder Marc Randolph Joins HPU as Entrepreneur in ...


The value of free expression that speaks to me the most is "Promote Innovation."

This value states that it is, "a community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely
to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in
many diverse and interesting ways."

This ideal especially hits home being a student at High Point University. Our school heavily
focuses on innovation. We not only are a life-skills university but are a hands-on school.
I can definitely preach that being a part of the school of communication. I have had many
experiences working with cameras, editing software, reporting on HPUNews, etc. Things a lot
of students will not get to do until their senior year.

With being a hands-on university, this allows the ideal of innovation to come along. When
students can get their hands dirty, that is when the exciting things start to happen. It is when
innovation can be present. 

The value of innovation directly correlates to Cottrell Hall. This building houses our student
success coaches, a Starbucks, an airplane model to remind us to “never miss an opportunity
to network,” and a mock-interview room.

There are also many study spaces that incorporate a creative and collaborative work
environment. One of my favorite places is the Entrepreneurship Center.

The Entrepreneurship Center has white board walls and tables for students to create and
bounce ideas off of one another. Not only does HPU offer entrepreneurship as a major and
minor, but it is also a club organization.

HPU brings in individuals like Marc Randolph and Steve Wozniak, who are founders of Netflix
and Apple, respectively. They will come to campus and connect with students. Students can
share ideas while the highly respected individuals share their expertise.

This, to me, is one of the main selling points of High Point University. I love my school and am
very happy that I chose to come here. So the value of, "promote innovation," speaks volumes
to me because it is a characteristic that HPU practices.

I am very thankful to attend a university that heavily focuses on the image of innovation.
Especially with the incredible advancement of technology, it is a very exciting time to be
a student at High Point University. 

Final Post

SOCIETY AND TECHNOLOGY: A CURRENT UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP Society and technology are in an intimate relationship. In fact, they are soul m...