Monday, March 9, 2020


Image result for iphone 2007

The coolest thing I learned was that Steve Jobs called the development of this project,
“The Purple Project,” under a name so that no one would be able to really know what
was behind closed doors if somehow information got out.

He announced the iPhone at the MacWorld Convention in January of 2007, and then
the iPhone was released in June of the same year. It was mentioned that Apple sold
270,000 iPhones its first weekend. 

Before iPhones, smartphones were typically copies of the Blackberry. So it was
incredible to see a phone that was not only touch screen, but a completely different
look than what was normally seen on the market.

It then took 6-7 years before a phone was developed that could actually compete
with the iPhone, which ended up being the Samsung Galaxy S/HTC.

One negative of the iPhone mentioned in the presentation was the light of the screen.
There are negative aspects of the light such as eye strain and not allowing you to go to sleep.

I loved this presentation because simply, I love Apple and I love my iPhone. So I
thoroughly enjoyed getting to here about the background of this product and the
way it has transformed our communication world!


Image result for charles francis jenkins

For my piece of communication technology, I decided to choose the television broadcast.
I have also loved television and love watching live broadcasts, whether it is the local
news or a national news outlet. I love the idea that it is live and you are getting up to date
information, hence why I chose the television broadcast as my piece of technology.

The first television broadcast occurred on July 2, 1928. It was created by a man named
Charles Francis Jenkins. It actually was located in Wheaton, Maryland which is a suburb
of DC and the TV station was given the name W3XK. 

Something I found very interesting with this timeline is that this happened in 1928,
which really was the last year before the Great Depression. So just to give a background
of what was about to happen in our nation I find this extremely pivotal.

Through this TV station, Charles Francis Jenkins invented a way to transmit pictures
over airwaves. He ended up calling this process, “radio vision.” Luckily at the time,
he was given permission to experiment with the station so he could really solidify
and figure out everything. 

Jenkins aired programming five nights a week! Something funny I found out was
that oddly enough, it was commercial free for the first 13 years. Man oh man, what
would it be like to watch commercial free television? One can wish!

This entire idea of a live television broadcast and the first TV station, really sparked
an interest for the TV sets in general. As we know, eventually TVs transformed from
black and white to color as it quickly became a popular ideal.

In today’s society, there are now 2.5 televisions per household globally. This just
shows you how important television sets are to the people of today. There are
now close to 2 billion televisions sets in this world. So people must love watching TV, right?


Image result for elizabeth warren

I explored the site, American Conservative. I read an article titled, “Elizabeth Warren
Lost Because She’s Elizabeth Warren.” What a strongly negative and opinionated

The article goes on to degrade Warren and everything “wrong” about her candidacy. A quote from
the article that truly evokes the feeling of the entire article (and author) is,
“Sexism had nothing to do with it. The Massachusetts senator was unlikeable and showed
contempt for the truth.” So it is easy to see that we are seeing the opinions of someone who is far right.

The article develops into a “this is why Elizabeth Warren was such a poor choice” article.
It describes the primary season as “long, and excruciatingly stupid.” It mentioned that she
was politically toxic coming from a brand of white progressivism. 

Some of the article’s content include Warren’s views and plans if she were to become
elected. The author continues to react negatively towards these views. The author
also includes Twitter posts that were used to defend Warren, as then the author
dismisses all supportive tweets.

These voices are not in the mainstream media because I believe that most media
agrees with the left side. While I do tend to agree with the left side, it is easy to
say that there are less and less conservative outlets in mainstream media.
To find these opinions, you either have to A) search into the depth of Google
or B) just go on Facebook. So it is very interesting to see how an article like t
his would never even appear on a major news outlet, as a similar article bashing
the right side would be normal.

Final Post

SOCIETY AND TECHNOLOGY: A CURRENT UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP Society and technology are in an intimate relationship. In fact, they are soul m...