Saturday, January 25, 2020


Image result for church in schoolsJESUS IN SCHOOLS?

 An article from the Washington Post discusses religious activities and practices in the school system. It mentions that anyone, including teachers and students can practice their faith on a campus, they just cannot force it upon anyone or cause a disruption.

The act of pushing religion on one another in the school system would be against the First Amendment. The First Admendment says that there in no establishment of a certain religion in this country, and on the contrary, prohibiting the exercise of religion.

The article mentions that, "schools are forbidden from initiating or sponsoring religious activities." However, it mentions that teachers cannot get in trouble for saying, "Merry Christmas" to their students and colleagues - Christmas, coming from the word of Christ. So where is the line drawn?

It seems as though as long as the teachers are not forcing religion on the students it is fine. It is okay for a teacher to wear a cross necklace and use it as an expressive way of faith, but to verbally leave it at the door.

The article says that religion signs can be used for teaching material purposes only. It mentions that religion can be offered as an optional class for the student as well.

It is a very interesting and thought provoking concept for me because my brother went to a Christian private high school, where they would literally pray before every class. While I went to a public high school where Jesus was not talked about. It provided two different educational environments for both of us.

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