Saturday, February 29, 2020


Image result for google images facebook


This article discusses Facebook and its relationship with its consumers. Facebook currently has
2.5 billion users worldwide. But most users probably do not know that they are being exposed.

An unsecured server leaked phone numbers that were potentially linked to Facebook users.
It is now no longer publicly accessible as it has recently been taken down, but no one is
positive who revealed the numbers.

This shows just how unsafe social media is. With most organizations moving into the world of
the Internet, many files and logistics are also being transferred online. But many of these
organizations do not have the expertise to do so efficiently, and most important of all, safely.

The article referenced Eva Velasquez, president and CEO of Identity Theft Resource
Center. She said, “The exposed data could put users at risk of scam phone calls and other fraud.”

This is certainly a scary scenario being that Facebook has many older users compared to other
social media outlets. Many older adults might not understand how smart scammers can be and
can easily be looped into the whole plan so it really is a scary time.

Social media has been seen as “toxic” because it only shows everyone’s “highlight.” It
is not realistic. People are not going to post the negative things in their life, which
makes people think that everyone is living a perfect and happy life except them.

Social media is now not just taxing on mental health, but as the article states, our
identity could be in jeopardy. 


Image result for u.s. supreme court


The U.S. Supreme Court began in 1789 by the third article in the U.S. Constitution.

This article stated that Congress was allowed the power to create federal courts.

The Judiciary Act of 1789 was signed by George Washington, which was where the
Constitution allowed Congress to determine the organization of the U.S. Supreme Court. 

An interesting fact that I read in an article was that the original meeting, which was scheduled
for February 1, 1790 in the New York City Merchants Building was postponed. It
was postponed due to transportation issues. Interestingly enough, they met the following day. 

There were no cases during the first meeting. The meeting consisted of
generic organizational procedures and confirmation that all logistics were set in stone. 

The first decision occurred on August 3, 1791 and the case was titled West v. Barnes.
This case was between a farmer and a family he owed money to. 

The first Chief Justice is appointed by the President. This action is accepted or denied
by the U.S. Senate. The Chief Justice serves as the spokesperson for the federal
government’s judicial branch. The Chief Justice will listen to arguments and discussions
of cases. The first Chief Justice was John Jay. 

The Chief Justice also deals with trials of impeachment against the President of the
United States, which interestingly enough happened very recently.

Final Post

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